Protect Your Identity Pilot Program


IP PIN pilot continues in Georgia, Florida and the District of Columbia

The Internal Revenue Service is again offering the Identity Protection PIN to all taxpayers who filed their federal tax returns last year from Florida, Georgia and the District of Columbia as part of a pilot program to help determine taxpayer demand for the IP PIN and the Service’s ability to issue the PIN to a larger number of taxpayers. These locations have the highest per-capita percentage of tax-related identity theft.

Taxpayers who wish to take advantage of this pilot opportunity for additional filing protection should visit, beginning Jan. 14, 2015 to register and create an account. The IRS can’t issue an IP PIN to a taxpayer unless that person’s identity has been verified online. Taxpayers unable to authenticate their identities must file without an IP PIN. Once issued an IP PIN, taxpayers need to use it to confirm their identities on all federal income tax returns filed during the 2015 calendar year and future tax years. Taxpayers receive a new IP PIN each December by postal mail.

The IRS Identity Protection PIN is a 6-digit number assigned to victims of identity theft whose cases have been resolved. During this 2015 filing season, the IRS expects to provide an IP PIN to more than 2.9 million victims. The IP PIN allows affected individuals to avoid delays in filing returns and receiving refunds.

Resolving tax-related identity theft remains a top priority for the IRS. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes nationwide, and preventing tax refund fraud caused by identity theft is one of the biggest challenges facing the IRS. The IRS is focused on preventing, detecting and resolving tax-related identity theft cases as soon as possible.

If I choose to get an IP PIN, does this mean I am an identity theft victim?

No, the program is not limited to just identity theft victims. The main purpose of the program is to add an additional layer of protection to taxpayers who live in areas where tax-related identity theft is more prevalent.